At Movement Digital
Movement company website
Fantaxyou intelligent music video app
Lead developer in this unique web app writting in Nodejs, Javascript and PHP as part of an award winning campaign.
Workreduce for Movement
A bespoke website using vanila javascipt
At Immediate Media
Flight centre Queensland
A microsite in a quiz format using AngularJS
More can be found at my Github
Full Stack Javascript Developer with over 3 years of experience
My journey begain at the awesome Founders & Coders where I learned NodeJS and web development in Javascript. After three months of TDD, project based group learning and lots of frustration, I spent time mentoring new students and building MVPs for commercial clients. Soon after, I did some freelancing and worked for several companies working primarily as a Front End Developer.
My last role was at Movement where I spent 2 years as the primary developer.